Sunday, May 26, 2013

He's Home!!!

We were all so excited.  Finally, the day that Elder Jordan Woodard was to return home to us had arrived.  He came home with Elder Rios, so his family was there waiting with us. We kept peering through the crowd hoping for a first glimpse of our boys.  I couldn't help smiling, clapping and jumping up and down as I saw Elder Woodard walk down the concorse at the airport.  Of course, I was the first one to give him a hug... and John (dad) was close behind wanting his turn!  Jordan hugged all his siblings and friends that were there waiting his arrival. 

It just so happened that Chaille was coming home from spending time in Jerusalem, and arrived about thirty minutes before Jordan did.  It was fun to see her and have her welcome Jordan home with us.  Jordan hugged her, then they realized he was still a missionary, so he stuck out his hand for a handshake.  It was quite cute to see. 
We are so HAPPY that Elder Woodard is home!