Sunday, May 26, 2013

He's Home!!!

We were all so excited.  Finally, the day that Elder Jordan Woodard was to return home to us had arrived.  He came home with Elder Rios, so his family was there waiting with us. We kept peering through the crowd hoping for a first glimpse of our boys.  I couldn't help smiling, clapping and jumping up and down as I saw Elder Woodard walk down the concorse at the airport.  Of course, I was the first one to give him a hug... and John (dad) was close behind wanting his turn!  Jordan hugged all his siblings and friends that were there waiting his arrival. 

It just so happened that Chaille was coming home from spending time in Jerusalem, and arrived about thirty minutes before Jordan did.  It was fun to see her and have her welcome Jordan home with us.  Jordan hugged her, then they realized he was still a missionary, so he stuck out his hand for a handshake.  It was quite cute to see. 
We are so HAPPY that Elder Woodard is home!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Getting ready for Jordan to come home is like bringing home a new baby from the hospital. I have to get the bed ready, find the sheets, etc. Get the room ready, (thanks to H for taking care of that since they are sharing.) Have food ready, I feel like I need to kill the fatted calf. He is going to need new clothes ( a must to go shopping!) Send out announcements... making sure all his friends know. Get caught up on laundry, get caught up on housework. (John says I have had 2 years to clean house). And the joy and anticipation is the same. We are all EXCITED! (at least I feel so much better now than I did those last few months of pregnancy!)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Well, Easter is coming early this year.  I love Easter and spring time.  Spring is my favorite time of year.  It is not too cold and not too hot.  You can have your windows open to feel the breeze and hear the birds.  (The ones that have made nests in the eaves of our house!)  The grass wakes up and eventually is green again.  I just love this season. However, spring does not last long in Arizona.  The heat comes way too fast...even before we get out of school to start our summer break.

I also love Easter.  We have enjoyed the secular celebration of Easter over the years with our children.  We have made some good memories coloring and hiding Easter eggs and Easter baskets filled with candy and sunglasses.  (But no chocolate for my daughter in her early years because of a milk allergy.)  We have spent this holiday with family and with friends.  One of my favorite memories is when we saw a real bunny in our yard and told our first born it was the Easter Bunny.  He chased it and tried to catch it until it ran out of our yard.  Needless to say he wasn't very happy that he didn't catch it.  Another memory is when my sister would bring her kids into town to visit and would organize a family Easter egg hunt.  I miss those days.  As my children are now older, they still want to hang on to those traditions.  As we are not going to be able to hide Easter baskets this year, my youngest who is now 14 1/2 said to me, "Well, can we at least have the candy?"  It is too bad that we have come to enjoy the ways of the world so much.

But, not too much.  My family does celebrate the true meaning of Easter.  We know that Easter is the time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is only through Him that we will all be able to live again.  If we live worthily then we will be able to live with God, our Eternal Father. Jesus Christ is the one that made this possible.  He took on the sins of the world and paid the price for all our mistakes.  We can take upon us his atonement by repenting of our sins and asking for forgiveness.  I am truly grateful for the sacrifice that was made in behalf of myself and my family.  I am truly grateful for the plan of salvation... that I came to earth to learn and grow.  That I have a family here on earth and by following God's plan I will live with God and with my family.  I am truly blessed.

May you have a wonderful Easter season and celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ in your own way.  :)  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy, Happy Birthday to ME!
I know it may be a bit on the vain side, but today is my birthday.  This year I almost forgot it was my birthday.  I guess I have had so many other things to think about than adding another year to my life.  At least it has been a WONDERFUL year.  Life just keeps getting better and better... all because of my wonderful husband and kids.  My three children that are at home (one is still on a mission in Canada), made me a great breakfast in bed... with purple pancakes and all!  I loved it.  I have the best family EVER!  So, Happy Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wow, busy, busy weekend!

It is the beginning of spring break, but the end of Emily's high school theatre career!  Emily has been performing in theatre since the age of 9... when we moved out of Mesa.    OK...  so I started her into it, but she has loved it ever since.  It is always been a love of mine.  I am glad it is a love of hers.  It has been so fun to see her develop this talent and have fun along the way.  At times it has been heartbreaking when she doesn't get the part that she wants, the main part.  But, she takes after her mother and is always in the background.  There is one thing that she is good at, though, and that is dance.  Because of her knowledge and love of dance she was able to choreograph the school musical, "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown."  She thoroughly enjoyed being on the other end of putting a show together.  As it turned out... she also got to be in it.  She became Linus' blanket when he sang his solo about his blanket.  And, as luck would have it, some kids had to drop out leaving spaces in the dances, which Emily was able to fill.  So, now she was "IN" the show.  What a great experience for her.  She always looks good on stage with her facial expressions... she may need to work on learning those dances though!  (In one dance she went left instead of right!)  What a talented young woman she is.
 She is the one in the middle behind Charlie Brown.  She is wearing a jean jacket, skirt and pig tails.  Cute isn't she?!
 Linus' Blanket
The baseball game........
I suppose I should mention that one of Emily's best friends got to play the part of Lucy!

Hayden has wanted to play the guitar since age four.  He had a little fisher price guitar and a jean jacket that he would wear and would pretend he was a rock star performing a concert!  It took several years, on my part, but he is now playing the guitar.  He started in 7th grade by taking a class at school.  During 8th grade he has been taking lessons from Kody at Linton Milanos. Hayden has really enjoyed learning to play.  He has played for my birthday and for dad on Father's Day.  This is his first recital where he was able to perform in front of other people.  He was a bit nervous, but did a fabulous job.  Way to go ROCK STAR HAYDEN!  (Now you are going to need to come up with a stage name!)

Tanner's Eagle Project.... it is done!
It was a great project, putting up batting helmet boxes in his high school dug outs... only for the home team!  We made a total of 12 boxes with six cubbies for both baseball and softball, varsity and jv.  This is definitely a project that he can be proud of and use!  We had lots of help and support from friends and ward leaders.  Of course with Tanner, donuts were involved.  Great time had by all. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Emily is inducted into the National Honor Society at her high school.  I guess better late than never.  She has had awesome grades her entire high school career, but now that she is in her second semester as a senior she is invited to join!  What an honor.  She is an amazingly strong and smart girl.  Way to go Emily!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Anniversary to us!  After all of us being sick for the span of two weeks, and after John had a week of being on call for work, we finally got to celebrate our anniversary.  One of our favorite places to go is to Disneyland.  So, naturally, we spent three days in that magical place without the kids.  What a great time we had together.... forgetting about everything but being together.  I love my husband more now than I ever thought possible.  Thank you honey for a fabulous twenty-two years! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Anniversary to us!  I can't believe it has been 22 years!  We have been truly blessed over the last 22 years.  I know that most marriages are not perfect, but ours is pretty close.  My husband is always putting me and the kids first.  He takes care of us in so many ways.  We are grateful to have him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!

Here is to a new year.  I have made some changes in my overly busy, scheduled life.  I quit teaching preschool at home and am now working as a substitute teacher for a charter school close by.  So, now I choose the days I want to work...which hasn't been too many so far!  For over twenty years I have been working in some sort of capacity and am now enjoying being home and being the mom. I love it!

Emily is now driving and Tanner cut out wrestling this year.  As a result of this I am doing less running around.  It has been Heavenly!  So much of the pressure has been cut out of my life, which is a good thing.  I am enjoying being home and being with my family.  Life is good!